Sesame millefeuille



Sesame millefeuille




For 6/8 people


3 Courgettes
300 g pasta dough
½ green pepper
½ red onion
300 g goat’s cheese
2 tablespoons of Sesam Oil
2 tablespoons of sesame seeds
1 tablespoon of honey
1 small clove of garlic
2 tablespoons of coriander
Salt & pepper
A partager entre amis...
→ Divide your pasta dough into 4 equal pieces, roll them out thinly and boil them for 3 minutes in salty water. Plunge them into cold water and roll them out properly.
→ Crush the garlic into the sesame oil, then add the goat’s cheese and honey. Toast the sesame seeds in the pan.
→ Peel the red onion. Slice the courgettes into strips and dice the pepper, then boil for 4 minutes in salty water before placing on some paper towel to absorb any excess liquid.
→ On your plate, place a sheet of pasta, spread some goat’s cheese mixture on, then add some courgette strips, onion and pepper.
→ Press down lightly and keep in the fridge until ready to serve. Serve with a drizzle of sesame oil and some sesame seeds.


Bon appetit!